MDIA 4311: Responsive Web Design Example Files

Use the following links to access live copies of the course example files.

Page Index

  1. Sample Responsive Sites to Explore
  1. Unit 1 Examples

  2. Unit 2 Examples: Using Media Queries and Thinking About Design

  3. Unit 3 Examples: Embracing Fluid Layouts

    Unit 3a Examples

    Unit 3b Examples

  4. Unit 4 Examples: HTML5 for Responsive Design

  5. Unit 5 Examples: CSS3 for Responsive Design

  6. Unit 6 Examples: Designing with CSS3

  7. Unit 7 Examples: CSS3 Transitions and Transformations

  8. Unit 8 Examples: Responsive Forms

TopSample Responsive Sites to Explore

NOTE: The following links will take you to a new browser window that has no navigation back to this page; use the Back button (not normally recommended) to return to this page. I could have embedded these sites in iFrames with site navigation (bear that in mind) but my colleague thinks that this leads to bad practices — and she is right.

There are other sources of inspiration at

NOTE: The Home icon Home on the examples and video pages points back to the examples index page (this page).

TopUnit 1: RWD Introduction

  1. Video 01a: Responsive Web Design Overview
  1. Example 01-01: Flexible Images (swipe to enlarge or resize)

  2. Example 01-02: Browser Viewport Size Tester (resize to test; works best in desktop browsers where the browser window can be resized)

    Video 01b: Responsive Web Design Principles

  3. Example 01-03: Media Queries with Links and Image

  4. Example 01-04: Using Display: none;

TopUnit 2: Using Media Queries and Thinking About Design

  1. Video 02a: Media Queries Syntax
  1. Example 02-01: Media Queries Finish (from the video above — adjust the browser width to see the breakpoints)

  2. Example 02-02: “And the Winner isn’t...” (from your text)

  3. Example 02-03: Media Queries in action — Resize the Browser to see Breakpoints.

  4. Example 02-04

  5. Example 02-05: Media Queries with Links and Image

  6. Example 02-06: Using Display: none;

    Video 02b: Mobile First Media Queries

TopUnit 3: Embracing Fluid Layouts

  1. Example 03-01: Fixed Width Layout

  2. Example 03-02: Em-driven Layout — No Viewport

  3. Example 03-03: Liquid Layout

  4. Example 03-04: Liquid/Fixed Layout

  5. Example 03-05: Final Layout

  6. Example 03-06: Variation 1: Wide Middle Column

  7. Example 03-07: Variation 2: Wide Right Column

  8. Example 03-08: Variation 3: Wide Left Column with Borders

  9. Example 03-09: Liquid Insanity

    Video 03a: Layout Patterns

    Video 03b: Finding Patterns to Build your Layout

    Video 03c: CSS Frameworks

  10. Example 03-10: Grid Finished

    Video 03d: Grids

  11. Example 03-11

    Video03e: Toward a Fluid Grid

    Video03f: Fluid Grid: Media Queries

  12. Top
  13. Example 03-12: A More Complex Grid

    Video03g: A More Complex Grid

    Video 03h: Responsive Layouts

  14. Example 03-13: Font-size using Pixels

  15. Example 03-14: Font-size using ems

  16. Example 03-15: Font-size using rems

  17. Example 03-16: Responsive Type

    Video 03i: Responsive Type

  18. Example 03-17: Single Column Responsive Text

  19. Example 03-18: 3-Column Responsive Text

  20. Example 03-19: Scaled Images

  21. Example 03-20: Scaling an Image with Responsive Text

TopUnit 4: HTML5 for Responsive Designs

  1. Example 04-01a: Basic Page Layout

  2. Example 04-02: Through a Glass Darkly

  3. Example 04-03: The Transit of Venus

  4. Example 04-04: The HTML5 <audio> Tag

  5. Example 04-05: The HTML5 <video> Tag — Oceans

  6. Example 04-06: Block Elements Inside Links — CSS

  7. Example 04-07: The details Element

  8. Example 04-08: The List reversed Attribute

  9. Example 04-09: Scoped Styles

  10. Example 04-10: The <canvas> Element

    1. Example 04-10a: Blank Canvas

    2. Example 04-10b: Draw Rectangle

    3. Example 04-10c: Test Coordinates

    4. Example 04-10d: Draw Path

    5. Example 04-10e: Draw Circle with Stroke

    6. Example 04-10f: Draw Circle with Fill

    7. Example 04-10g: Draw Circle with Border

    8. Example 04-10h: Using fillText()

    9. Example 04-10i: Using strokeText()

    10. Example 04-10j: Using createLinearGradient()

    11. Example 04-10k: Using createRadialGradient()

    12. Example 04-10l: Canvas Images

TopUnit 5: CSS3 for Responsive Design

  1. Example 05-01: And the winner isn't...

  2. Example 05-02: Multiple Column Example

  3. Example 05-03: Using “begins with”

  4. Example 05-04: Using “ends with”

  5. Example 05-05: Using :first-child

  6. Example 05-06: Using :last-child

  7. Example 05-07: Using :nth-child

  8. Example 05-08: Using :only

  9. Example 05-09: Using :not

  10. Example 05-10: Using .firstletter

  11. Example 05-11: Using ::first-line

  12. Example 05-12: Using ::before

  13. Example 05-13: Using ::after

  14. Example 05-14: Using Embedded Fonts

  15. Example 05-15: Using Icon Fonts

  16. Example 05-16: Using RGBA

  17. Example 05-17: Using HSL

  18. Example 05-18: Using HSLA

  19. Example 05-19: Using Opacity

TopUnit 6: Designing with CSS3

  1. Example 06-01: And the winner isn't...

  2. Example 06-02: Using a Drop Cap

  3. Example 06-03: Using a Text Shadow

  4. Example 06-04: Using Rounded Corners

  5. Example 06-05: Using Drop Shadow

  6. Example 06-06: Using Linear Gradients

  7. Example 06-07: Using Linear Gradients — Direction

  8. Example 06-08: Simple Radial Gradient — Button

  9. Example 06-09: Simple Radial Gradient — Circle

  10. Example 06-10: Simple Radial Gradient — Ellipse

TopUnit 7: CSS3 Transitions and Transformations

  1. Example 07-01: And the winner isn't...

  2. Example 07-02: Transition using border-radius

  3. Example 07-03: Transition using width:

  4. Example 07-04: Using the transition: Shorthand Syntax

  5. Example 07-05: Using the translate() Function

  6. Example 07-06: Animation using the translate() Function

  7. Example 07-07: The scale() Function

  8. Example 07-08: The rotate() Function

    Example 07-08a: The rotate() Function (iOS)

    Example 07-08b: The rotate() Function (Image)

    Example 07-08c: The rotate() Function (Image iOS)

TopUnit 8: Responsive Forms

  1. Example 08-01: Oscar Redemption: And the winner isn't...

  2. Example 08-02: HTML5 Form Elements: Date

  3. Example 08-03: HTML5 Form Elements: Month

  4. Example 08-04: HTML5 Form Elements: Week

  5. Example 08-05: HTML5 Form Elements: Time

  6. Example 08-06: HTML5 Form Elements: Email

  7. Example 08-07: HTML5 Form Elements: Tel

  8. Example 08-08: HTML5 Form Elements: Number

  9. Example 08-09: HTML5 Form Elements: URL

  10. Example 08-10: HTML5 Simple Contact Form

  11. Example 08-11: Custom Registration Form
